Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Common expression used when tweeting

So someone is tweeting and all you see is the same word over and over again? Think they made a typing mistake? LOL korean has alot of slang for expressions~ Heres some examples below.

1. Most popular word you'll see when a korean tweet is ㅋㅋㅋ. What does it mean? It just means that the person is laughing (same as our 'lol') ㅋ in korean has the sound 'k' and peope use it when they want to show that they are laughing.

 2. And similarly ㅎㅎㅎ is also used very often~ ㅎ has a 'h' sound, This is kinda like 'hehehe'
Well now when you see ㅎㅎㅎ and ㅋㅋㅋ just imagine him/her smiling ^^

3. 흑흑 (heuk heuk) Is the korean sound for crying, so its the same as our *sobs* or *cries*
4. Can you guess what ㅇㅋ is? Just sound it out~ ㅇㅋ stands for OK ^^

5. Sometimes you'll see ㅇㅇ Which means 'Yes' . You're probably confused and wondering why two circle means yes, ㅇㅇ is from 응 which has the sound of 'eung' . Like when your nodding your head and going eung eung (agreeing with someone). So 응 means yes, and Korean tweets ㅇㅇfor a shorter way.

So thats 5 useful expression you can memorise ^^ 

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