Friday 13 January 2012

Common expression used when tweeting - part 2

Here's some more common expression idols/koreans tend to use when tweeting~ ^___________^

1. 고고씽 (go go ssing) means "Let's Go!" or "Let's do it!" in korean. It's a new word that was created by the younger generation (so you wont find it in you dictionary ^^)

2. You've worked hard: Casual = 수고했어요 (soo go haet ser yo)  Polite = 수고하셨습니다 (soo go ha syeot sim ni da)

3. Have you heard koreans saying meeee rroong to eachother? 메롱 (me rong) is the sound koreans use to tease by sticking their tongues out (kinda like out ner ner)

Thats all for today ^^ hope you've enjoyed~~ 

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