Friday 20 January 2012

Common words you can use ^^

Here's s some words that been asked by alot of people, so i thought that i might aswell post it up for everyone to see ^^

Me / I / I'm 
Casual = 나는 (na neun)
Polite = 저는 (jer neun)

Me too
Casual = 나도 (na do)
Polite = 저도 (jer do)

We / Us = 우리 (u ri)

Little sibling = 동생 (dongsaeng)
If you want to be specific and say if your little sibling is male or female, you would write it as...
male sibling (little brother) = 남동생(nam dongsaeng)
female sibling (little sister) = 여동생(yer dongsaeng)

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