Friday 20 January 2012

Lesson 5 - ㅎ weakening or deletion

Lesson 5 is finally up~ ^^ now i hope you've read through lesson 1-4, even if you haven't memorised everything, at least read through it ^_____________^

Korean is not an easy language as many of you know, even real Koreans have a hard time to write in their own language~ Take it slow and don't push yourself ^^ try to learn one new word per day so you can build your vocabulary~ ^^

NOW, lesson 5~ 

The letter ㅎ is a bit tricky, when its place between two 'vowels, ㅁ,ㄴ,ㅇ or ㄹ' 
ㅎ tends to be silent in casual speech.

For example~

So next time you see the ㅎ in a word, it might be silent, so dont pronounce it ^^ 

Here's a little video to explain it abit better ~~ ^___________^

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